Message from the President

President, CEO & CTO Takaomi Fukuhara

I am honored to assume the position of Representative Director.
Our company upholds the policy of "valuing life" and strives daily to create innovative medical technologies.

In particular, we challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of medical technology by leveraging our developed product, LAVURCHIN. We believe that LAVURCHIN is a significant step towards realizing a better future, prioritizing the health and well-being of each patient.We will continue to devote all our efforts to developing pharmaceuticals that can contribute to people around the world.

About MT3

Company Name Malignant Tumor Treatment Technologies, Inc
Founding Date January 1, 2018
Capital 580 million yen (Including capital reserve)
Office Location Sa130-42, Nagasone-cho, Kita-ku, kai-city, Osaka, 591-8025, JAPAN
President, CEO Takaomi Fukuhara
Science Advisors Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology Honorary professor
Kengo Sakaguchi
Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology Honorary professor Fumio sugawara
Research Collaborator Azabu University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Professor Hiroeki Sahara


130-42, Nagasone-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai-city, Osaka, 591-8025, JAPAN

【Tokyo Office】
10F, DF Building,2-2-8 Minami-Aoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062